I was born in Normal, Illinois. A place with a rich history of labor unions, easy access to 401k's, and corn that's knee high on the 4th of July.I come from a place of simplicity that fights a constant losing battle against its namesake.

Growing up there allowed me to see things differently, always comparing my thoughts and ideas to the standardized reality that surrounded me. Illinois, and the Midwest at large, instilled within me a blue-collared work ethic and an appreciation for a job well done. My self-reflection and longing for variety, however, quickly drove me away from the comforts of my hometown towards a more diverse and complicated Texas.

Landing in Texas bolstered my sense of curiosity, and I quickly started soaking up my surroundings.I began college, pursuing a BFA, where I combined my work ethic with the sensory dense surroundings of the DFW metroplex.I began making extremely gestural abstract works that were filled with explosive movement and aggressive mark making.This energy, however, was quickly consumed, and I started to look back on simplicity.

My work now focusses on highlighting everyday textures, employing common materials, and the visual presentation of a reflective narrative